Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Today is my birthday. Today I praise GOD for each year that I have been given even the horrific time of my childhood, because everything that has happened to me, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the horrible has made the person I am today. I am a person that lives to testify that no wound is too deep that GOD can not reach, no pain is too great that GOD can not heal, and no dream is too lost that GOD can not redeem.

When we are asked, What would you like for your birthday? many things of this world can cross our mind from expensive things to less expensive things. What in this world would I like for my birthday? The things of this world as fun as they are, they are temporary. The greatest gifts I have received come from Heaven, not earth. I always dreamt of an Amazing Man of honor & valor, who would be my best friend, and love me for who I am. I got that over 20 years ago when Christopher became by boyfriend and promised to marry me, and 17 years ago we were married and I had the wedding of my dreams in Hawaii. Twelve years later, Carissa was born and GOD gave us the best gift ever.

All I ever wanted when I was a little girl was to be safe and loved for who I am. I did not have that when I was a child, but I got that now in abundance. I am blessed to know GOD as my Holy Parent, so what more could a gal ask for? My loved ones are asking me what they can do to celebrate my birthday, and truly there is nothing in this world that I want or need. I do understand that they want to do something to show me that they love me, and want to honor my birthday, and they have asked me to think about it. I have prayed about it.

One of my childhood memories is when I was a young child around 8 years old, my biological parents had just moved us to California, and we were visiting my paternal grandparents. My grandmother had made me a two-layer chocolate birthday cake with pink flower icing & swirls and letters that said Happy 8th Birthday Anissa surrounded by 8 pink candles. Someone turned off the lights, and I was in the darkness with only the glow of the 8 candles. My grandparents said to make a wish, and the only wish I could think of at the time is I wish they knew about the real darkness in my life. I wish they knew how much horrible things were being done to me by my biological parents, I wish I knew I would be safe tonight, I wish my younger sister and I would not have to experience anymore abuse, I wish they would love me & my sister. These were the lost wishes of a 8 year old little child. Somewhere in this world I know there are other children who are wishing that they too did not have to endure abuse at the hands of evildoers. Somewhere in this world there are children whose only dream is to be safe and loved for who they are.

My life today is a world of difference from when it was decades ago. GOD has blessed me with wonderful people in my life, and He has completely healed all the deep soul wounds of my past. He has truly given me New Life in more ways than one. Jesus has paid my ransom, redeemed, and rescued me. Out of the pain of my past Christ has given me purpose. I want to rescue as many lives as I can from abuse. The little firefly in the darkness of the night does not seem like much, but when combined with other little fireflies we can light up the darkness with the light of Christ, this is what I refer to as The Firefly Effect.

At they have a mission outreach program called Rescue Life where they rescue little children from evildoers who are selling the children's precious little lives off to the highest bidders. Today I am giving my birthday money to rescue one life. No more will a child be abused, no more will a child be in the hands of evil people, no more will a child wonder when the next attack is going to happen, or how much it is going to hurt, and if she is going to survive it. No more will she wonder if she is worth saving from harm.  And no more will she have to wonder if she will ever be safe and loved for who she is and not what she can do for someone. 

How much would you think it costs to rescue a life that is trapped in the slavery of sex trafficking? What is each innocent life worth to these horrible people who sell children's little bodies and dreams away? What if someone had my child slaved in sex trafficking? What would I do to rescue her? How much would I give to get her back? I would do it all, I would give it all, there is nothing I wouldn't do to get my child back. No matter the cost I would freely give it. I would lay down my life to save my child. That is exactly what Jesus did for us when He was tortured and sacrificed on the cross. Christ sacrificed it all, so that we could come back home.

What GOD has done for each of us, we can do for at least one other child. How much does it cost to rescue a child? Will you have to empty it all out? Will you have to sacrifice it all and have nothing left? No. It only cost $128.00 to Rescue a Life. That is my birthday wish. To Rescue a precious child one life at a time. I am asking my Family and Friends in honor of my birthday will you PLEASE help me Rescue a Life? Each life we rescue will represent a candle on my cake -- better yet, a candle on Christ's birthday cake! Christmas is not a time to celebrate a second birthday for ourselves, but to celebrate Jesus's Birthday, our Savior's Birthday who came to earth to rescue our life. What do you get the King of Kings for His birthday? How about a Rescued Life?

Last night Christopher asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday? What would be my birthday wish? My Birthday Wish is to end the evil of sex trafficking. He has learned that what I set my mind and heart on I will do. He said there are soooo many you can not end sex trafficking. I can end it for one. Will ending it for only one make a difference? It will make a world of difference for that one. It is worth it for that one. When I go to bed tonight I will know that one more child's life will be rescued. That this one will no longer have to suffer abuse, and this one will be safe, and this one will be loved, and this one will be healed by Christ's Amazing Holy Love, and this one will be saved in more ways than one.

You too can rescue a child's life, no matter how much you have to donate. No amount is too small, because it will be combined with others to rescue a life. Remember, The Firefly Effect, one little light combined with others to bring light into the darkness. These are GOD's precious little children, and what we do for them we do for Him -- what an Amazing Birthday Gift to give to Christ for Christmas!

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To call and donate via credit card or check, click here.

Thank You for making my Birthday Wish come True.

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