Monday, October 17, 2011

Giving Dreams Wings Sponsors

Thank you so very much for listening to your heart and becoming a Giving Dreams Wings Sponsor. Our outreach organization is called Giving Dreams Wings. Have you heard of  The Butterfly Effect or Firefly Effect? I have been talking about the Butterfly Effect and the Firefly Effect, being the little light in the darkness that when combined with other little lights changes lives for generations. Carissa asked her friends to help her with her Dolly Drive, the need is great and we need great help in raising donations. Please help us by becoming one of our Giving Dreams Wings Sponsors . 

We are currently doing a Dolly Drive, it is called Carissa's Dolly Drive, and if you click on this link you will discover how it began which I know will bless your heart. Please take a minute to do read this small, yet powerful paragraph titled, The WOW Factor

As you have read, Carissa's Dolly Drive was all her idea that we plan to continue to develop and promote all year long, and each subsequent year for as long as there remains little girls who need a dolly & Mommy. It is our Dream that you will become a Life-Long Giving Dreams Wings Sponsor to support Carissa's Annual Dolly Drive as well as other Giving Dreams Wings events, such as our Christmas Bows and Balls event where little girls will receive Beautiful Bows to put in their hair and in their Dolly's hair, and little boys will get a ball of their choice.

Carissa's first Dolly Drive this year will be to provide Christmas Hair Bows for little girls in local group homes. We will also kick off our next years Dolly Drive at Carissa's Valentine Tea Party. 

One of our future events for 2012 includes a Valentine Tea Party for Carissa's Dolly Drive where we would love to have a Dolly Drawling where our Good Wings Ambassadors have a chance to win your dolls, clothes, and accessories. At our Valentine Tea Party event we will have a Grand Prize for the Good Wings Ambassador who provided the most dollies through her personal fundraising, as well as a random drawling for all those who participated in Carissa's 2011 Christmas Dolly Drive.

Our Giving Dreams Wings Dream List includes items such as
New Dollies for little girls who don't have a dolly & Mommy to support Carissa's Dolly Drive. 

New doll for my Daughter Carissa, because she is our spokes person, visionary, and founder of Carissa's Dolly Drive, and for all the photos, videos, and promotional items where Carissa has her Dolly, outfits, and accessories your companies name and website will be listed. 

a new doll for our Good Wings Ambassador Grand Award Winner & other winner/s from our random Dolly Drawling, Matching doll & Girl clothes as well as accessories.

Beautiful Hair Bows & Headbands

Goodies and Treats to give to the little girls in group homes and the Good Wings Ambassadors.

Supplies & Decorations for the Valentine Dolly Drive Tea Party.

Monetary Donations to pay for our new websites Carissa's Dolly Drive & Giving Dreams Wings and promotional & marketing items to bring awareness to Carissa's Dolly Drive & Giving Dreams.

As you know time is of the essence, and we are eagerly awaiting your reply & confirmation, so that we can announce to the public that you will be among our Good Wings Sponsors supporting Carissa's Dolly Drive for Operation Christmas Dolly 2011, as well as Carissa's Valentine Tea Party 2012.

Thank you so very much for listening to your heart and becoming a Giving Dreams Wings Sponsor.

We are planning a Thanksgiving Event for all our Giving Dreams Sponsors who help us make our vision and mission a reality. May the Lord shine His light upon you and bless you, your family and your business. 

And if you were wondering what to give Jesus for His birthday present this year, I think helping Giving Dreams Wings is a great choice!

Looking forward to hearing from you VERY soon!
Carissa's Mommy,
Anissa Stark
founder of Women of Worth, The WOW Connection, and Giving Dreams Wings.
thewowevents (at) gmail (dot) com

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