Saturday, October 15, 2011

Good Wings Ambassadors

Good Wings Ambassadors are courageous girls & boys of all ages who Dare to Share the vision & mission to support Giving Dreams Wings benefit events such as Carissa's Christmas Dreams and Skate-athon coming in 2012.

Sign up today to be a Good Wings Ambassador and help us with our Operation Restore Hope through Carissa's Christmas Dreams Drive. You can email us at Giving Dreams Wings (at) gmail (dot) com 

We will provide support info. for your personal fundraiser & Toy Drive, such as the vision and mission for Carissa's Christmas Dreams where each Good Wings Ambassador's own Toy Drive will be joined with all the other Good Wings Ambassador Toy Drive, like the light of one firefly joining with a bunch of others to light up the darkness.

Good Wings Ambassadors along with their Mommy/Guardian will be entered into a Drawling for chances to win various prizes now and throughout the upcoming year as long as they participate in the upcoming Giving Dreams Wings outreach events. All sorts of prizes for children of all ages.

To start your Dolly Teddy Bear Drive:
We are asking that each Good Wings Ambassador & their Mommy, Auntie, Grandma or Guardian, will go to their favorite toy store to select a special toy, and to take pictures and/or video this blessed event to share on our upcoming Giving Dreams Wings website. 

To read about how Carissa came up with this great idea, and the progression of 
Carissa's Dolly Teddy Bear DriveClick Here  It will bless your heart.

By donating "a new dolly to little girls who don't have a dolly or Mommy" while these little girls are waiting for someone to love them they will have someone to love. Carissa says, "Every little girl needs a dolly to love." 

What once started off as a Daughter's Dream to get Dollies for little girls who don't have Mommies has developed into a Wonderful Outreach Program called 
Giving Dreams Wings Around the World  

The Lord placed it in my heart to ask friends, family, churches, schools, organizations, and businesses to help & get involved in Giving Dreams Wings Around the World, so I am asking you. . .

Will you please ask the people in your life to support Carissa's Dreams to bless other Children? Together we can make a difference in the lives of children around the world.

This year with the support of our home church Sanctuary, and Carissa's School Calvary Christian, as well as her dance group from Spectrum Dance, and our Giving Dreams Wings Sponsors, we are hosting a Christmas Cupcake Party for the children locally at ChildHelp USA where the little girls will receive Beautiful Bows & a Dolly, and the little boys will receive a Toy Car & a Teddy Bear. The older children will receive a special toy that they wish for, and each child will get a new outfit. Each child will also receive a Compassion Card made by another child (one of Carissa's Friends & Classmates). We are asking everyone we know to help us bless these children who don't have a Mommy & Daddy, and share the love of Jesus with them. We want them to know that GOD loves them and that they are apart of GOD's Family, and we love them. We are also asking Family & Friends Nationwide to do the same in their schools, churches, and organizations.

We also have Missionaries who are going to Thailand in January 2012, Africa, Mexico & India in the upcoming months to bring Blessings of Love to Children in need around the world. If you have Missionaries that are planning a Missions Trip, when possible we would love to help supply them with Blessings to give to the Children in the country GOD is sending them.

What once began as a  Daughter's Dreams has turned into Great Outreach Events blessing children locally and around the world. We are so thrilled to announce that: On Thanksgiving Day Carissa's Dreams to share love around the world will become Carissa's Foundation called
Giving Dreams Wings

We are currently collecting donations for our Giving Dreams Wings Around the World  Outreach Programs which include:

 * Art Supplies -- these support our Compassion Cards Program as well as donated items to Children around the world, so that they can create cards and send them back to our children.
(colored pencils, crayons, markers, card stock, stickers, fancy decorative scissors, paper punches, etc)

* Hair Bows/Headbands/Hair Accessories -- to support Carissa's Bow Drive Program.

* Matchbox Cars -- to support Carissa's Toy Car Drive Program.

* Dolls -- to support Carissa's Dolly Drive Program.

Teddy Bears -- to support Carissa's Teddy Bear Program.

* We also need Christmas Angels or Secret Santas who will sponsor a Child's Christmas Wish and/or Christmas Outfit this year.

Please contact Anissa at GivingDreamsWings (at) gmail (dot) com on where to send your donations, or for those who live locally when you would like us to pick up the items you would like to bless the children with this Christmas.

Information on how to implement Carissa's  Giving Dreams Wings Around the World  Outreach Programs in your school, church, business, organization, or corporation is coming soon. Contact us for details.

Carissa's Mommy
Anissa Stark
Founder of Giving Dreams Wings
Giving Dreams Wings (at) gmail (dot) com

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