Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Beauty by Numbers

Do you remember as a child we had this thing called Paint by Numbers? Do you recall getting a outline drawing of one of your favorite images, and each part of that image had a designated number that corresponded to a specific color? All we had to do was match up the designated number to the corresponding specific color to create an exact spectacular copy of the original design. The original design on the front cover of the package was the standard we were to achieve. The Standard of Beauty. All we had to do is make sure we stayed in the lines.

Isn't interesting that all throughout our childhood, tween, teen, and young adult life, up to this very moment The Standard of Beauty is still about searching for the right designated number. From the top of our head to the bottom of our toes it is all about Beauty by Numbers.

When we step on the scale, we are searching for the Beauty by Numbers. In this case the lower the number the better the beauty, so we are led to believe by our society.

When we go to the department store, again we engage in the Beauty by Numbers. In high school Levis jeans were the thing. Levis where your numbers, waist size and length were printed on your back side for the entire world to see -- oh how I hated those! I actually tried rubbing the waste size out, I tried to create a "natural fade"so it wasn't obvious I was trying to cover up my waste size, and peers would not ridicule me for being embarrassed for showing my size. I think this was the start of wearing baggy over size shirts that would cover up the listed numbers. Although that did not stop one peer from lifting up the back of my shirt to try and find my numbers.

Every piece of clothing whether be a pair of pants, dress, shirt, skirt, underwear, or the dreaded bathing suit, once again the lower the number the better the beauty.

Then we walk on over to the bra department, still trapped in the relentless pursuit of Beauty by Numbers, yet now we add an additional element, The Beauty by Letters. The Industry's Standard of Beauty which society reinforces is a certain combination of an ideal number followed by and ideal letter. The experts advise that if our letter is not big enough they can fix that, or if our letter is too big they can fix that too, so that we can achieve the Standard of Beauty.

Even to the tips of our lashes, and the tips of our nails, to the bottom of our feet it is all about trying desperately to achieve Beauty by Numbers. Are my lashes abundantly luscious, long enough, and thick enough? Are my nails the right length and shape? How do I look in these shoes? Do these shoes make me look fat? Yes, even our feet have to be the right size and shape, and women are known to endure prolonged pain to achieve the Standard of Beauty.

Well it doesn't stop there. Our hair has to have just the right number, not too thin or too thick. Our eyes, must have the perfect size and shape, not too big, or too small. Our brows waxed or pluck, not too thin, and not too thick, not too long, and not too short. Our nose, must be the right shape & size again, not too thin, and not too thick, not too long, and not too short. Same with our lips, not too small, and not too big. Our fingers and toes, must be not too long, or too short, too thin, or too thick. And it goes on and on from the top of are head, to the tips of toes, and every place in between, adding here, subtracting there all to obtain the Standard of Beauty. So much of our lives are spent trying to achieve Beauty by Numbers.

I hope you will let me take this chance to paint a different picture of Beauty for you. A Beauty that is created by GOD. Our Holy Parent created each one of us with Intrinsic Beauty. We are not to live our lives as a copy, but be valued for our uniqueness. What the world views as flaws, GOD sees fabulous, just the way you are right in this very moment. From the top of our head to the tips of our toes, and all the places in between, GOD created each and every detail especially for you. You are not just a natural beauty, you are a Super Natural Beauty. You are GOD's Girl. His Beloved Darlin' Daughter. You are an Original Masterpiece, that GOD treasures so much that He paid the Ultimate Price.

When we begin to see ourselves the way GOD sees us we see Beauty created by Love.

The first Paint by Numbers I remember having as a child was a horse. I didn't copy the example on the front cover of a beautiful palomino horse, and instead painted a dark brown buck skin with a black mane and tail. I guess I have always had a problem with others defining for me what Beauty is and what it is not. 

Never forget you are an Original Beauty created by GOD's Love to be a Masterpiece of His Glory.

The next time we are tempted to search for Beauty by Numbers,
let us be gently reminded by the Holy Spirit that we are

Now listen, Beloved Daughter of GOD, don't miss a word:
Forget your society's stand of beauty, put your past behind you.
Beloved Beauty, The King of kings is enthralled with you.  He is wild about you

Psalm 45:11 - The Message Bible paraphrased by Anissa Stark

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