Saturday, January 28, 2012

Divine Strength, Courage, and Eternal Life

The Biblical Numerology Meaning of 28 is associated with the expectancy of Divine Strength, Courage, and Eternal Life. How are expectancy of Divine Strength & Courage, and Eternal Life interconnected to one another? Do you remember that ordained time when the Holy Spirit called you to come forward, and surrender your life to Christ? There is nothing like it. You may have felt the enemy trying his best to hold you back with fear, uncertainty, hesitation, yet you boldly went forward and surrendered your life. Were you were full of excitement, with a righteous expectancy of the your life changing forever more from this point on you knew that you would never be the same. In that very moment Divine Strength & Courage was being manifested in our life, and it forever changed our life, because through the Gift of Salvation we were blessed with Eternal Life. In that Blessed Moment when we became Born Again we realized that we needed GOD to save our life, and transform our life. As we grow in the Son's Light a righteous wisdom is gained through a Divine Perspective. We realize that unlike the flowers that grow, fade, wither away, and die, our life goes own. This life here on earth is a vapor in the wind, nothing compared to the eternal life we have in Heaven. 

Although this time here is very limited, it is also very precious, and it is never apparent more than when we are blessed to become a parent, or when we are blessed with a near-death experience. Both situations open our eyes and give us a Divine Perspective on our very limited life here on earth. I am blessed to have had both of these types of experiences. I would like to take this time to focus on the Parent's Perspective. The time with our child passes ever so quickly. One moment we are birthing new life into this world, and the rest of the time is spent helping our child be the best person s/he can be. Through love we encourage our child to live to his/her fullest potential, and discover the person GOD created him/her to be. There are so many milestones, and goals for our child to achieve throughout his/her life time, from learning to eat food, roll over, sit up, crawl, stand, walk, and run. There is a natural progression that is expected over a life time. As with our Holy Parent there is also a Divine Expectancy the moment we become Born Again. The moment we find our identity in Christ there is a Supernatural Progression that is expected to take place as we are to grow in Divine Strength & Courage. 

We are to live our life out of our comfort zones, and by doing so we achieve a Divine Progression through Transformation. Just as a person changes from a helpless infant, to an adventures baby crawling to explore his/her life, so must we get out of our comfort zone of everything being brought to us. Just as a baby gains the strength to stand and walk, so must we also gain Christ's strength, so that we can take a bold stand, and walk forward. Sure there are times where we will stumble and fall, but that is part of the learning process. We take our Holy Parent's hand, get up and walk again. The closer we get to Christ the stronger we become, and there will be a time where our walk is very strong, and our Holy Parent will expect us to do more with our life.

We are all apart of the Family of GOD which means that GOD has many children, and we in turn have many siblings. As in all Loving Families, as an older sibling we are expected to look after, take care, encourage, and support our younger siblings. It is apart of our Divine Birth Order, not defined and limited by biological age, but by spiritual age. Our Holy Parent sets us apart from the rest of the Family, and expects more from us than the Babes in Christ. A very important question to ask is, How am I growing & maturing in Christ? Is there a noticeable difference?

Recently my daughter turned 5 years old, as I reflect over her first 5 years I realized that the first 5 years in our Christian Life should also have a remarkable & notable change. Five years ago, my child was just a teeny tiny embryo, and now she is a vivacious five year old seeking new adventures. As her loving parent I know that the best growth that can take place in her life is her spiritual growth. As much as she learns about this world, I long for her to learn even more about GOD's Kingdom, and the specific part she has in it. When I see her grow spiritually I am lovingly convicted by the Holy Spirit to examine my spiritual walk, growth and maturity. How have I grown  & matured in Christ over these past 5 years? It has been 15 years, since I gave my life to Christ, and became Born Again. What stage of my Spiritual Growth am I at right now? At 15 years, that represents a teenager. When I think of teens I think of courageous youth who often live their lives without limitations, and believe that they are invincible. Can you imagine if our Spiritual Life was like that? In 3 years my Spiritual Life will be 18 years old. Many who are 18 years old are called to be soldiers in the military, risking their very lives to save others, and to protect at all costs our freedom, and way of life. Can you imagine if our Spiritual Life was like that? 

As GODs Kids, joint heirs with Christ we were made, and destined to be Courageous.

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