Monday, January 9, 2012

The Easy Way

Ever wonder, Why is it so easy for others? Why do things come so easy for them?

The easy path is not hard to do, takes absolutely no effort at all, because it leads down hill. It is a gradual decline, going with the world's natural gravity to pull things down, and it is only at the very end of our downward destination that we find ourself in hell, up until then it's been a very comfortable pleasure trip lulling us into darkness.

The path of the righteous requires us to get out of our comfort zone, because it leads all up hill, going against the world's natural gravity to keep us held back, and pulled down. Taking the path of the righteous takes more than a lot of effort, it requires great determination, especially the longer & higher you travel. It is a challenge, it is very difficult at first, until we build up are spiritual muscle, and momentum to climb the sharp incline that leads to a higher elevation. The greatest obstacle comes right before we enter a new level that is significantly different than the one before.

Many various obstacles will come against us, some requiring a Huge leap of Faith to over come. Storms will come in order to confuse, disorient, blind us from the Truth, and cause us to lose our sense of direction. This is why we must equip ourselves with holding the Word of GOD in our Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. We must learn to die to the flesh in order to live for Christ. Our body will get weary, even down right exhausted, our Mind stressed out & overwhelmed, and our soul cries out, "I just don't feel like doing it any more".

At this point when we are weighed down so much that we can not move forward, we can not even get up and stand, we don't even have it in us to crawl even an inch, all is not lost. We are not alone. We are not on this journey by ourselves. Our Holy Parent has given us a Great Gift, a Helper & Healer along our journey who can lift our spirit above any and all circumstances. The Holy Spirit is always with us, all we have to do is drop our foolish pride, and ask for help, even if we don't have the energy for actual words, the Holy Spirit hears & responds to our silent cries.

If life ever gets too easy for too long, that is a clue we are headed in the wrong direction. For the life of an authentic Christ Follower is all uphill. It is mere Believers who are content with staying on the same level, never challenging themselves to move forward and follow Christ. Believers know the direction Christ is leading and is heading, but want to remain where they are at, just barely above the negative decline, at ground zero (O).

Thing is when we are content at living at ground zero, then that is what our life amounts to (O).
We were created to be social beings, and it is not good for us to be alone. Our very nature will seek out company & companionship. We have a choice seek higher ground, or fall backwards into the world's natural gravitational pull. It is our sin nature to seek the easy & comfortable way of life, that is why the lower you go the more people you will find to keep you company and deceive you into believing you are doing the right thing, because just take a look around it can't be bad if all these people, and everyone else is doing it.

The company of the crowd, or the solidarity of Christ.

Our life choices determine our destination. Choose to follow Christ, choose to be with Christ, choose to do His will, and serve only Him. Choose not to be mere Believers, or Hearers, but Doers of the Word. Faith in Action, it's a workout with the Holy Spirit as our personal trainer.

GOD's way is a Guide, a Blessing, to avoid the pit falls of this world. The Holy Spirit is a Gift from Christ, a Blessing not a burden. We resist the gentle compassionate conviction of the Holy Spirit. We avoid the warnings, and make excuses instead of making changes. We tell our foolish pride that "this is normal".

Are we created to live an average normal ordinary life, or were we created to aspire to greater things? Ordinary or Extraordinary that is the choice we all have to make a new goal in this new year, and challenge ourselves to do something (Extra)? 

All living things have two choices Grow or Die. 
To remain stagnate is an illusion of life. 
~ Anissa Stark 

Just something to think & pray about.

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