When I think of a covenant relationship, the first thing that comes to mind is the one we have with Christ as Christians, and the bearers of His Name. Then there is the covenant relationship between a husband and wife, and mother and child.
Do you know why these are called Covenant Relationships? Because it took the shedding of blood to bring about the relationship which is sacred, and sanctified, set apart from others. As much as we love other children, we love our own even more, same is true with GOD. GOD loves all people, but those who are truly Christ Followers, and not just Christians in name only, He has a sacred & sanctified relationship with which is manifested in their lives in marvelous, and countless ways.
I have noticed a remarkable difference between the life of a Believer, and a loyal, dedicated, faithful Christ Follower. Although both consider themselves Christians, the Christ Followers have this peace that flows throughout their lives, even through the harshest of storms there is still this stability, peace and even joy as the storm rages on -- how is that even possible?
There is a noticeable difference in the house of the Christ Follower. For years I would ponder over why the lives of two Christians would be so very different. Why is the Presence of the Lord so strong in one life, and lacking in the other? Was it that one had a better church attendance? Memorized & could quote more Sacred Scriptures? Had a pure-bred Christian pedigree? No, none of this was the key.
Why would one Christian seem to have favor over another?
Why would one Christian seem to have favor over another?
It is not favoritism, it is a Supernatural Consequence of being Closer to Christ. Okay, so then, How do we become closer to Christ? By obeying the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the key to creating & maintaining a dedicated & committed covenant relationship with GOD. It is our partnership, or union with the Holy Spirit that makes the covenant relationship possible. It is our union with Chirst's Holy Spirit that makes the communion with GOD possible. Without the Holy Spirit's Presence in our daily life, there is lack of Righteous & Holy Commitment & Dedication. Without a Righteous & Holy Commitment, there is no Covenant.
Without the Presence of the Holy Spirit we become tempted to sin, because the enemy is poised, and ready to pounce to take us down the second the Holy Spirit is not with us, like a lion that stocks a baby dear, and waits for it to be just far enough away that it becomes defenseless, and doomed. It is our choice to sin that separates us from GOD, and leaves us wide open for the enemy to destroy us. When we sin we betray GOD, ungrateful for GOD's Gift of the Holy Spirit, like an ungrateful and spoiled child, our sinful pride & ego deceives us to think we can do just fine on our own without the Holy Spirit's blessings of discernment, and protection. It is the unrepentant heart, mind, and spirit of the sinner that betrays & breaks the seal, and destroys the covenant.
Betrayal breaks the covenant seal. Can anything restore a broken seal? Not in this world, not of this world. It takes a Supernatural Love to provide a way, and we must accept GOD's Way. Not just receiving, but more importantly accepting, and highly valuing the Holy Spirit's Conviction, that leads to Repentance, Restoration, and Redemption, and all the countless blessings that come with having Reconciliation with our Holy Parent.
Without the Presence of the Holy Spirit we become tempted to sin, because the enemy is poised, and ready to pounce to take us down the second the Holy Spirit is not with us, like a lion that stocks a baby dear, and waits for it to be just far enough away that it becomes defenseless, and doomed. It is our choice to sin that separates us from GOD, and leaves us wide open for the enemy to destroy us. When we sin we betray GOD, ungrateful for GOD's Gift of the Holy Spirit, like an ungrateful and spoiled child, our sinful pride & ego deceives us to think we can do just fine on our own without the Holy Spirit's blessings of discernment, and protection. It is the unrepentant heart, mind, and spirit of the sinner that betrays & breaks the seal, and destroys the covenant.
Betrayal breaks the covenant seal. Can anything restore a broken seal? Not in this world, not of this world. It takes a Supernatural Love to provide a way, and we must accept GOD's Way. Not just receiving, but more importantly accepting, and highly valuing the Holy Spirit's Conviction, that leads to Repentance, Restoration, and Redemption, and all the countless blessings that come with having Reconciliation with our Holy Parent.
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