"Think of these two things: attention and inhibition.....focus on what is important AND limit what will take you away. If you do those two things, you will get way further down the road than if you omit one or both of them." ~ Dr. Henry Cloud
Another name for inhibition is avoidance.
To remove our inhibitions, we must ask ourselves;
What am I avoiding?
It could be little things like doing the dishes, or it could be bigger things like doing the dishes to avoid having a discussion.
"Inhibition gets in the way of our Vision & Mission. Our Attention creates our Direction. Spiritual Discernment and Righteous Choices leads to Victory." ~ Anissa Stark
What an amazing gift Henry has given all of us to empower, and take control of our lives. Here are some gems of truth to create Momentum this Monday. Read it and find insight and necessary energy to move closer to your goal/s. ♥ Anissa
In reaching a desired outcome, science has taught us that the brain must do some specific functions....among these are attention and inhibition. For example, if you are going to make a cup of coffee, you must attend to finding the kitchen, turning on the coffee maker, etc. AND inhibiting yourself from stopping midstream when you think of watching TV. Attend to the task at hand, AND inhibit other wishes or desires from interfering. Seems simple enough, but we do not think of it often when there is something bigger, more complex, and more difficult than making a cup of coffee. And, we must, if we are ever going to accomplish those more difficult desires.
For example, let's say that you want to build a good relationship, or reach a career goal, or a health goal, and you have been struggling in your attempt. If you are stuck, look to these two areas for what is wrong: attention and inhibition. If you are not reaching your goal, chances are that one of these is breaking down.
First, ask yourself, "what am I doing that MAKES me attend to, or focus, on what is important?" If it is a relationship, is there a structured time and place where you get together with the person to invest in the things that will build your relationship? If you are trying to work through something difficult is there a time and place to do that, like with a counselor? Or maybe a relationship group or study group that attends to what you need to work on? Provides focus?
Second, have you identified the impulses and desires that must be inhibited in order to build that relationship? You might love shopping, fishing, web surfing, etc. and get distracted by easier things to do, not giving the relationship the time that it needs in order to thrive. In essence, you walk out of the kitchen and don't finish the coffee because a different desire distracted you.
Same is true for a career or health goal. You need some force and some structure to help you stay attuned, focused and attended to the need, AND you need to identify the distractions that take you away and must be inhibited. Remove the distractions before they can get to you, and you will do better. Simple example, when I am writing, I must turn off my e mail application and web browser in order to inhibit distraction.
Think of these two things: attention and inhibition.....focus on what is important AND limit what will take you away. If you do those two things, you will get way further down the road than if you omit one or both of them.
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